Anna Vitória O. C. Cunha
Anna Vitória O. C. Cunha
+55 11 3150-7667
Practice area
Expert on banking law, insurance and health plans, she provides consultancy to national and international institutions. Cunha works in different kinds of operations in financial and insurance market, including financing, mainly representing creditors. Regarding regulation, she engages with issues related to the medium of payment industry, financial institutions and health insurance operators, including FinTechs and HealthTechs. She also helps on the regulatory analyses or review of many documents, such as contracts used in the development of institutional activities, and on processes for the authorization and approval of products before the relevant regulatory bodies.
- Instituto de Ensino e Pesquisa (Insper) - Post-graduation lato sensu in Corporate Law, 2021.
- Universidade Presbiteriana Mackenzie – Bachelor of Laws, 2018
- Brazilian Bar Association