Diogo Martins Teixeira
Diogo Martins Teixeira
Teixeira is specialist in consultative and litigation matters related to customs law and indirect taxation, provides legal assistance to industries, commercial companies and Brazilian and international services providers. His practice encompasses the structuring of import chains, manufacture, commercialization of goods and rendering of services aiming at the identification/mitigation of risks and the assessment of the incident taxation. Teixeira assesses special regimes (customs or tax), tax benefits and special tax treatments. He also engages activities in customs and tax litigations in the federal, state and municipal levels. Teixeira has previous experience in the areas of knowledge of oil and gas, electricity, electronics, pharmaceutical, aviation, beverage, and retail.
- Fundação Instituto de Pesquisas Contábeis, Atuariais e Financeiras (Fipecafi), Brazil (MBA in Tax Management, 2014)
- Pontifícia Universidade Católica of São Paulo – PUC-SP, Brazil (Lato sensu Postgraduate course, 2012)
- Universidade Presbiteriana Mackenzie, Brazil (Bachelor of Laws, 2009)
- Brazilian Bar Association
- Member of the Customs Law Commission of OAB-SP