Fernando Munhoz
Fernando Munhoz
+55 11 3150-7000
Practice area
Handles proceedings of Brazilian and multinational companies in judicial and administrative courts – mainly before the Federal Administrative Tax Court (Carf) and the State of São Paulo Administrative Tax Court. Seeks to set the strategy to be adopted in the cases, always taking into account the particularities of each proceeding, drafting of defenses, appeals, petitions for orders before the judges, and the performance of oral arguments. Has previous experience in the areas of knowledge of food and beverage, automotive, electronic, energy, paper and cellulose, pharmaceutical products, services, and retail.
- Pontifícia Universidade Católica de São Paulo – PUC, São Paulo, Brazil (Master’s Degree, LL.M. in Tax Law, 2019)
- Vienna University of Economics and Business (Wirtschaftsuniversität Wien), Vienna, Austria (Master of Laws, LL.M. degree in International Tax Law, 2015)
- Brazilian Institute for Tax Studies – IBET, São Paulo, Brazil (Specialization Course in Tax Law, 2011)
- Universidade Presbiteriana Mackenzie, São Paulo, Brazil (Bachelor of Laws, 2009)
Other qualifications
- Assistant Professor at the Specialization Course in Tax Law of FGV/GV-Law (from 2009 to 2014)
- Brazilian Bar Association
- Brazilian Institute for Tax Law – IBDT