Savio Pereira de Andrade

Savio Pereira de Andrade
+55 11 3150-7000
Multidisciplinary groups
Head of the Innovation and Legaltech business area. Has extensive experience in artificial intelligence and technology applied to law, conflict and crisis management, litigation management, corporate law and contracts. Founder of the Machado Meyer Innovation Cell - CIMM.
- Fundação Getúlio Vargas (FGV-SP) - Master in Law and Technology, 2023
- Pontifícia Universidade Católica (PUC-SP) - MBA in Big Data, Data Science and AI, 2021
- Universidade Estadual de Santa Cruz (Uesc), Bahia - Bachelor of Law, 1998
Other qualifications
- Researcher at CEPI (Center for Teaching and Research in Innovation) - FGV-SP
- Yellow Belt in Lean Six Sigma
- Professor of Civil Procedure at Unifacs (BA)
- Member of the Legal Council of the Federation of Industries of the State of Bahia
- Brazilian Bar Association
- Special Commission on Diversity and Gender at OAB/SP
- Secretary General to the Brazilian Bar-SP's Innovation and Technology Comittee