The Machado Meyer Code of Conduct translates values into actions, shaping and guiding the behaviors expected of our people and our business partners, and is one of the main pillars of our internal compliance program. Publication of the document on our website reiterates the firm's total commitment to transparency, ethics, and integrity throughout the provision of service, in the relationship with public authorities, with third parties, and with society in general, which should be evident to our clients.

Continuous reflection is the greatest tool to ensure that we act in accordance with the values that guide us and with the rules that govern our society and our firm. Therefore, it is up to each of us to respect the rules and do the right thing in all situations of everyday life. If you have any questions about a particular action, please contact the Internal Compliance Department at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..

Check the full text of our Code of Conduct.