Ana Vogado
Ana Vogado
+55 61 2104-5509
Practice area
Works on the identification and handling of strategic cases in the Brazilian Supreme Federal Court (STF). Her work involves defining strategy, preparing documents, and submitting amicus curiae briefs for participation in concentrated control actions or cases of general repercussion. Has experience in advising clients from various sectors, such as construction, food and beverages, banking, e-commerce, information technology, energy, pharmaceuticals, pharmaceutical products, chemistry, services, and retail.
- Universidade de Brasília (UNB) – Master's in Law, State, and Constitution, in the "Transformations in Social and Economic Order and Regulation" track, 2022
- Escola Superior de Direito – Postgraduate Studies in Agribusiness Law, 2020
- Universidade de Brasília (UnB) – Bachelor's Degree in Law, 2018
Other qualifications
- Volunteer Professor at the Faculdade de Direito da Universidade de Brasília (UnB)
- Professor of the Postgraduate Course in Administrative Improbity at Portal Liber
- Author of the book "The amendments of Law No. 14,230/21 in the Administrative Improbity system: with a debate on the atypicality of the negligent act and the judicial discussions involving points modified by the Law" – Dialética Publisher
- Member of the Compliance and Corporate Governance Committee of the OAB/DF
- Brazilian Bar Association (OAB)