On August 16, the Central Bank of Brazil (Bacen) published Public Consultation Notice No. 53/2017 in order to receive suggestions and comments on a draft resolution and the three circulars that will establish a simplified methodology for determining the equity benchmark for small-sized institutions. The objective is to facilitate the entry and prudent operation of new institutions with low exposure to risks in the financial system.
The option to use the simplified methodology in determining the minimum equity reference requirement will be provided to financial institutions and other institutions authorized to operate by the Bacen belonging to the following groups:
- Group I: singular credit cooperatives;
- Group II: non-banking institutions operating in granting credit, except development agencies; and
- Group III: non-banking institutions operating in the gold, foreign currency, or fiduciary markets.
The use of a simplified methodology to determine the minimum equity reference requirement is conditioned on compliance with the following requirements: (i) size compatible with the classification in Segment 5 (S5), defined in article 2 of Resolution No. 4,553/17 of the National Monetary Council; and (ii) a simplified risk profile. Interested parties will be able to access the notice on Bacen's website (www.bcb.gov.br) and send suggestions and comments by September 15, 2017, through (i) the link contained in the notice published at Bacen's e-mail address; (ii) the e-mail prudencial.This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.; or (iii) correspondence addressed to the Department of Prudential and Foreign Exchange (DEREG), 9th floor, SBS, Quadra 3, Bloco B, Edifício Sede, Brasília (DF), CEP 70074-900.