After a new extension of the production date for labor lawsuit events, the new version of the eSocial Guidance Manual has set July 1st of this year as the new deadline for the information related to these events.

All final and unappealable decisions handed down in labor lawsuits and decisions approving settlement calculations from July 1, 2023 onwards, as well as in-court settlements and agreements entered into by the Pre-Conciliation Commission (CCP) or the Interunion Conciliation Center (Ninter) after this date must be reported through eSocial event S-2500.

In parallel, the Federal Revenue Service promulgated Normative Instruction 2,139/23, published on March 31st of this year, in which it defined that delivery of the DCFTWeb will be mandatory as of July of 2023 for social security and social contributions arising from conviction or ratification decisions issued by the Labor Courts.

Thus, although the date for the events to go into production has not yet been disclosed, the information regarding social security and social contributions arising from decisions or settlements entered into in the labor sphere must be sent as of July of 2023.