State of Minas Gerais publishes rule that provides for the settlement of tax and non-tax disputes registered as overdue.
Confaz publishes ICMS Convention 109/24, which changes the rules on the transfer of ICMS credits in transactions between establishments of the same holder.
Complementary Bill 16/25 aims to modify LC 87/96 and LC 214/25 and provides for the non-inclusion of IBS and CBS in the ICMS, ISS and IPI calculation basis
State of São Paulo publishes three new decrees to extend tax incentives and prevent some tax benefits from ceasing to be in force
Published on September 16, 2024, Law No. 14,973/24, among other provisions, added paragraphs 21 and 21-A to article 8 of Law No. 10,865/04, which provides for the additional Cofins-Importation.
States use "trigger" to increase ICMS-ST. The procedure is not provided for by law and requires the taxpayer to calculate ICMS-ST by two different criteria.
São Paulo City Hall reopens deadline for entry into PPI 2024. New period for adhesion began on November 5 and runs until January 31, 2025.
Stock options: what you need to know about the current scenario and the judgment of Topic 1,226 by the Superior Court of Justice that took place on September 11.
Coana Ordinance 165/24 provides for import operations and procedures for processing import clearance based on Duimp.
Law 14,973/24, published in the Official Gazette of the Union (DOU) on September 16 of this year, brings important changes to the tax rules.
This ebook presents a detailed analysis of Complementary Law 208/24, which came into force on July 2nd, and introduces significant changes in the assignment of credit rights and in the National Tax Code (CTN).
State Decree 49,219/2024 changes rules for compliance with tax obligations of oil and natural gas exploration and production consortia.