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Lower view of a building with a metallic structure and glass panels with a bluish undertone
CVM Resolution 215 changes the rule on public tender offer, bringing innovations in relation to the Tender Offer for increase of participation.
Graphic representation of elements representing documents coming out of a white tablet. In the background, a person wearing a black dress shirt with a white pen in one hand.
CVM releases CVM Resolution 204, which implements changes in the rules on shareholders' meetings. The resolution enters into force on 2 January 2025.
Lower view of two mirrored buildings, one facing the other.
Bill 2,925/23 is considered one of the main changes to the Brazilian Corporations Law since Law 10,303/01 and also amends Law 6,385/76.
Regulatory framework for investment funds: new guidelines from the CVM
CVM publishes an official letter with answers to 84 questions from market participants.
CVM Board enters into a consent order with DRI
Case concerned the untimely disclosure of material fact about negotiations between shareholders in a corporate merger.
Investment funds and the liability of their quotaholders
Decision of STJ reveals that the limitation of liability is not absolute.
Publications for Small Publicly-Traded Companies
CVM Resolution 166 releases the use of the Empresas.NET and Fundos.NET systems to disclose information.
Brazilian Securities and Exchange Commission (CVM) rules on proposals for settlement agreements related to the infraction of ICVM 358
The analysis of the four settlements shows that the negotiation of a proposal with the CVM must consider the specific circumstances of the investigated conduct and the general circumstances of all cases, regardless of the infraction.
ESG: an analysis of Anbima's rules for sustainable investment funds and their managers
Self-regulation for fixed income and equity funds is already in place and must be implemented by July 3rd.
Census of Brazilian capital abroad
The reporting is mandatory to those holding assets abroad amounting to or exceeding the equivalent of 1 million USD on December 31, 2021.
Acquisition of companies under judicial reorganization: what changes in purchase and sale agreements?
In these cases, the major concern is not with the post-acquisition phase but with the period that precedes the transaction. This is mainly due to these companies' delicate economic and financial situation and its likely deterioration.
Mergers and acquisitions: technology companies impose dynamism on market players
General Data Protection Law is a point of attention for transactions in the sector. Due diligence processes aimed at confirming compliance with the law are increasingly frequent.
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