Since September 16, those interested in obtaining registration as securities advisors must submit their applications through the Securities Advisory Registration System (REGCON) of the Brazilian Securities and Exchange Commission (CVM).
Announced by CVM through the Circular Letter 7/2022/CVM/SIN, REGCON makes it possible to automatically grant the application for accreditation, already provided for in the CVM Resolution 19, of 25 February 2021.
The accreditation request is made by the link You must select the option "CVMWeb System" and then "Cadastral Update". After logging in using a GOV.BR with silver or gold level, simply select the option "Securities Advisor (Profile: Consultant)" from the menu on the left.
The documentation required for accreditation remains the one stipulated in CVM Resolution 19, which includes a copy of the Union Collection Guide (GRU) to prove the payment of the initial inspection fee provided for in Law 7,940/89.
After sending the documents in REGCON, automatic registration will be granted and the superintendence will review and validate the documents later. Accreditations performed in non-compliance with CVM Resolution 19 may be cancelled by the Institutional Investor Monitoring Management (Gain), as provided for in item III of article 10.
In addition to enabling the automatic granting of the accreditation application, the new system allows registered consultants to issue the certificate of regularity of registration and request the suspension and cancellation of registration.
In the CVM statement on REGCON, the superintende of institutional investor supervision (SIN), Daniel Maeda, said that "the system innovates by providing for the first modality of automatic registration, in practice, granted by cvm to service providers. The implementation of REGCON reinforces the role of the municipality as an institution always attentive to the proportionality of its performance in view of the different levels of risk offered by regulated activities."
For more information, cvm published on its website the Accreditation Guide and other information, with all the clarifications on the registration request.